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  1. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @dawn16 When I was little I was told I have "exercise induced asthma". That turned into an excuse for me. Which is why I never ran, I couldnt get 200m with out feeling like someone was trying to give me a tracheotomy and paint thinner to sip on. If you have bad knees, try seeing a PT. It may be...
  2. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @dawn16 It's okay, I've accepted my loss. It sucks, but I think it made me come out as more a patient and generally changed my attitude about life for the positive. I don't run often at all and usually for no more than 30 minutes. I just lift faster ha!
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @harveydonnelly Thank you! You know its funny. I got them placed on areas that I hated the most! Almost like I was trying to cover them.
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    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @jamestucker Fencing usually helps with mad booty development.... Or so in told
  5. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @kblesmis Haha, so thats why all them youngin's are hitting on me ;) Thank you! That part you can thank my momma for! And water...drinking lots of water.
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    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @jamestucker Are you a righty? Scan points all arrows to yes ;)
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @omienjim Thank you!!! And thats a great idea!
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @mhg Yay! I know its too addictive!
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @mhg Really?! Yay! What is your name on there? Its a lot of fun, I'm naturally competitive so it works for me.
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @dawn16 I like to think I already had enough bulk. J/K. I just switched out my eating style. I do think now I could probably go on a bulk after summer and then cut. It would take me a couple cycles to get "awesome" though.
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @diamndiva No cutting back, I had to add more to add muscle :)
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @prayer75 I had huge boobs to start with.
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @dawn16 I love me some food, it keeps me livin!
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    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @sammac I think that's the main reason people quit. And I tell people that all the time, its gonna suck. Really, it feels gross. But you know whats better than that? Its walking down the street in a pair of shorts and not feeling your quads jiggle and thighs rub together. It's the sense of...
  15. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @dawn16 Try tape measuring, its never lies :)
  16. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @harry37 I log them as I do them. So sometimes I may run at night after having an upper body day on my lunch break. Or instead of run, I'll go to yoga. Honestly, I do the reps I can. If I feel like I can do one more, that means I can do two more. I go to failure then take off weight, and try for...
  17. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @b_james Loss hurts. It hurts everyone in such a different manner. I am so so so sorry to hear about your sister, especially since it is still so fresh. Nothing will prepare you for it and then everyone around you moves along. To me, Andrew doesnt get a second chance. He doesn't get to go to the...
  18. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @audrajaxon Thank you so much! And you know, as soon as I started leaning out is when going became a habit. It really did take that three month mark to really push through and then it all just started coming together. It was super frustrating and one day it just clicked. But also, giving up for...
  19. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @spirituallyblessed You can do it, just stop thinking negatively. I know thats a crapshoot for some. I am not sure if everyone goes through the phase but I knew I couldnt be the only person. You have attainable end results its just the process getting there.
  20. C

    This is my one transformation after starting lifting

    @aftershock777 Thank you! And its getting better everyday!