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    Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

    @davecb I added another second to my L-sit, now at a grand total of two seconds. My goal is ten. I'll get there. My kongs are improving though I still need to get my hips a little higher.
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    Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

    @teckknight I'm on it. Front levers started today.
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    Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

    @teckknight I'm eating around 3k a day, I worked out my normal intake was about 2k. I've gone from almost 8 stone to 8 and a half.
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    Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

    @teckknight Depends on your style, really. You can get huge with bodyweight alone, but weights are probably going to speed up that process. In any case, you're doing better than me so well done.
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    Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

    @teckknight If it works, keep it! If you stagnate change it up but you seem to be making amazing progress.