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  1. F

    C25K isn't working for me

    @indekee Its pretty much impossible to have good form running that slow, so don't worry about that too much. Sprinting works different energy systems than slow running, so it won't help much with your endurance. Running slow is the answer, even though it sucks. You could also try brisk walking...
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @notalkb4coffee I can't say for certain. Maybe use your ideal weight to calculate protein needs (for sedentary) ? Then add 10g or so for an extra cushion? Again, calories are most important, but if you're really concerned you should probably ask a doctor.
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @notalkb4coffee Sedentary people would not benefit from the additional protein, as only a small amount is needed for routine tissue repair. Any protein over the necessary amount will be broken down for energy, and stored as fat if energy balance is positive. Athletes need more because they are...
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    Discepline v.s. soreness

    @graceunstoppable General soreness isn't well correlated with fatigue or need for rest days. I would find a structured program that you can fit into the workweek and just do it. The soreness will likely go away after a few weeks.
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    Weight gain two weeks into cut

    @yablod Water retention for women has a large hormonal component. You might see a couple pounds drop after your period. Also if you started eating high volume, lots of veggies and fiber that extra food in your system is going to weigh a bit. Be patient with yourself, lowering body fat when...
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @beseiber It takes A LOT of protein to cause kidney issues. more like 2-3g /lb, and even then, most people would probably be fine. If you have preexisting issues, then maybe its bad, but no healthy person is gong to have issues with 1g/lb.
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @sotanaht The protein itself isn't bad, but the excess meat and dairy consumption used to meet those goals is. Other healthy foods are also displaced in such a protein rich diet.
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @maxrap "Normal" as in many people suggest it? Or "normal" as in supported by scientific evidence? I know there are some studies showing that higher protein helps nitrogen balance and muscle retention during weightloss, but also many studies showing no difference between .7g and higher amounts...
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @ibelong I am so tired of refuting this 1g/lb nonsense. I have nothing against protein powder, but we don't need this much protein. This article is not sourced, and it claims to rate the "effectiveness"...
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @gr8fishingmadness Women can put on about 1lb per month of muscle max, so I would bulk a bit slower if I were you. If you really want something efficient look into the VeganFitness youtube channel. I started doing their high intensity training and it only takes 10 minutes.
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    When are we actually going to start talking fitness?

    @jonathanxr Yikes. I thought this was a generic vegan fitness subreddit, not r/wholefoodsonlyveganbodybuilders.
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    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @wolly If you aren't doing morning cardio, try 8-16 intermittent fasting. Its a bit rough when you're getting used to it but once you start you won't get hungry until lunch, then you can have a small snack in the aftternoon and dinner before 8pm. The meals are bigger so it doesn't feel so much...
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    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 When you say "slow" how slow do you mean? Its likely your benchmark is way off. Think 5mph (12 minute mile) or slower for your running sections if you can manage it, and that will help you work up to longer intervals faster. Another way to gauge whether pace is too fast is to check...
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    Calculated macros using Mike Matthews Thinner Leaner Strong program, do they look okay?

    @lizzier That's a lot of protein. Personally I go with .7g protein /lb ideal bodyweight. (I'm probably around 30% bodyfat) Carb / fat split doesn't really matter. Depending on your body fat and activity levels, 1700 calories may not be a very steep cut. When you have a small deficit its easy to...
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @finnallen101 I think overall this looks pretty good, you're falling over a bit more in the last few reps. For me a helpful cue is trying to use my core to keep my back as upright as possible. You should feel your core and lower back starting to fatigue if you engage them correctly.