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  1. B

    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    @dawn16 Totally agree with you. My concern is that I don’t know how to focus on balancing cardio with strength with flexibility/mobility and still make sure my body is getting the right amount of all three. Thanks for the IG reco. I’ll take a look.
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    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    @quos I’m fully aware I can get back into shape at my age. My question is more about the balance of everything. I feel like 39 year old me needs a good balance of cardio, strength, and mobility/flexibility, and I’m just not sure how to fit all three into a schedule (which days get which focus...
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    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    @erbush1988 The bluntness is very much appreciated. Definitely need to get the diet in check, no doubt. I don’t mind focusing on cutting and doing mostly cardio for a little while. I’ve been told I “have a good base,” so even without regular weight training, once I drop some pounds, I’ll look...
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    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    I’m recently a first time father and, as someone who’s been far too lazy for far too long (to the tune of 230 pounds at 5’9”), I want to get healthy and be here as long as possible for my child. My question is how? I’ve recently gotten back into exercising a bit with bands and doing some cardio...