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    Routine advice for a 36 busy dad

    @brithulhu Yes, I think that is much better. And ideally you can do the benching/rowing as supersets to save time. Overhead pressing and a chin up variation would be great to add as well.
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    Routine advice for a 36 busy dad

    @brithulhu You really shouldn't be doing any isolation work if you want to maximize growth with your limited time. Your biceps will grow if you're doing a few pulling exercises. I'd superset some leg work into day two so you're hitting them more. Supersets will be your friend.
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    Routine advice for a 36 busy dad

    @brithulhu Ditch tricep/bicep work. Do more compound work instead. Do lunges at a minimum every week for legs.
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    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    @trichakra Oh then that would be a no go but the mag definitely helps me! The ZMA caps are a different form of mag but they contain two other ingredients that are also supposed to help with sleep... But between the ZMA or mag threonate I don't really notice a difference
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    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    @trichakra ZMA and mag are on Amazon. No real other effects other than I sleep deeper and stay asleep better. I make a hemp tincture myself, but a bunch of companies make premade gummies you can order online.
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    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    @trichakra Magnesium threonate or ZMA help me sleep longer. Hemp edibles help me a ton as well.
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    OHP Tips

    @antitox Start doing lighter work with a full ROM. Work on mobility. Dumbbells may help.
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    Am I overtraining my glutes?

    @blever 20 sets per week is really just the high end of the ideal range, but more volume can still give more growth