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  1. N

    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf You said you are feeling stronger, maybe you are growing muscle. Such a small fluctuation really isn’t enough data to go off of. I lift weights consistently and the scale can fluctuate 5lbs in either direction depending on what I ate, how hydrated I am, or how full my muscles are that...
  2. N

    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @woollybear You have to build up the muscle and then cut to lean out if you want that lean tone physique. That means eating at a surplus and then going in to a deficit to see what you built. You are gonna have to be ok with the scale fluctuating too. The scale is not a great metric at all for...
  3. N

    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 Try eating more carbs and getting more sleep.