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  1. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @daveme7 Thanks so much! I’ll look into it. I really appreciate all your help!
  2. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @daveme7 I like that a lot actually. Thank you, truly you’ve helped me so freaking much. I’m not 100% sure how the RR works or how well I can make it work in a dorm room but I’m definitely willing to put 110% into it. My other question is is there a brand of protein bars you really like? It’s...
  3. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @daveme7 This helps a lot thank you! I calculated my BMI and tdee and it said for a calorie deficit look for around 1600 calories. I kinda thought I wasn’t taking enough rest days too but this confirms it thank you. The reason I tracked workout time is because the app I use is time based. It’s...
  4. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @dawn16 I calculated my BMI and tdee and it said I should be looking for 1600 calories a day. Hiit is just the style of workout I’m doing, short rests between exercises but I’m using Sworkit the strength advanced program if you’re familiar with that. This is a lot of great info though thank you!
  5. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    I’ve been stuck in a loop it seems. I’m using an app to help with strength training and fitness overall and I feel like I’ve just been regressing. What my overall goal is is to build muscle and define my abs and it was working for a while. The workout I do is HIIT and usually it’s 20-30mins a...