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  1. S

    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @ispain Thanks, I appreciate it. I enjoy routine/planning and I feel like time is somewhat on my side here, so I want to use it as effectively as possible.
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @catherine1192 Got it, I’ve also been looking for an excuse to get a C2 bike erg just for Zone 2. I’ll consider how to bake that into the overall plan. Thank you.
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @girlintheclouds To provide a little more background, I’m right at 5 years. Those are also current numbers, not all time numbers.
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @bulfrek Lol, maybe I used that a little liberally. There’s a 35+ age group in this comp so I kind of just labeled it as masters.
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @jameszo Very helpful, thank you for this!
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    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    Looking to enter my first comp one year from now as a masters athlete (will be 35). How would you approach building a plan to prepare? My plan so far: I’m considering doing the first 3 months of Gains Lab YoE again (did it 2 years ago with great results) to simply balance my engine out. During...