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  1. B

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @hannibal1994 I like lighter sauces with soba, so last night I did 1 tbsp of miso paste with 2 tbsps rice vinegar and a dash of tamari. Pretty much any hot sauce with rice vinegar is great too! Sounds like oats just don't agree with you then. The more you know! Best wishes for you. 😊
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @hannibal1994 Soba noodles are my go-to when I need a filling meal in under 10 minutes, pretty sure they are low glycemic. Chickpea pasta is another good one for decent protein. Can you boil noodles and throw in a vegetable? As far as the oats, if you were doing plain rolled oats that gives me...
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    A Modest Proposal: An /rVeganfitness Wiki/FAQ?

    @zainsaleem89 Love the spirit and I'm happy to help, not really sure where to start though...what were you thinking OP? Are there a lot of common questions on this sub? Does anyone feel like they give the same advice repeatedly? Edit: there is a wiki page on the sub already that seems to cover...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @wrtavares Thanks for the additional information! I ask because I have a severe peanut allergy (my doctor said I had the highest level of antibodies they had ever seen) so I always try to clarify an allergy vs intolerance. One can be resolved the other can't. Fiber Fueled has some very helpful...
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    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    @wrtavares Hello and welcome to the plantbased side! Very glad you're here to check it out. Given your other requirements, beans are going to be your friends, especially chickpeas and hummus which are very high protein. I highly recommend checking out Simnett Nutrition on Youtube, he just...
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    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    @hannibal1994 Yes, cook your quinoa! That would be a great addition to your oats to level out your blood sugar, but I recommend cooking them before you add to the oats. You don't absolutely have to, but it will be much easier to digest if you cook them beforehand. Millet or buckwheat groats are...