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  1. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    @dustcake Yes, go for it!
  2. J

    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @jscivias Here's the video alone: How To Do Your First Pullup! (Then 8 more!) Also as pointed out elsewhere in the comments: The #1 way to make pullups easier is to weigh less!
  3. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    @composerusa I started 8 weeks before my birthday with 4-3-2-1. So if 6 is what you can do cleanly, you should start with 6-5-4-3-2 and add from the back, you'll be at 10 soon, like @followchristianity writes!
  4. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    @followchristianity Nice! It feels great to have this clear structure as someone who was dilly-dallying around a lot!
  5. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    @looktohim I never did proper strenght training in my 20s but I feel like sticking to the programme and being mindful to eat enough I was mostly able to add one rep each session with relative ease! I'd even say my gains in strength are higher now than they were in my 20s. e: typo Granted, I'm...
  6. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    Dear /r/bodyweightfitness, Last Friday was my 32nd birthday, and I gave myself the ability to do 10 pullups in a set! :) Lately, I've been frustrated that I'm not making any progress with my pullups. A common set of pullups looked like 7-4-1, or 6-3-2, or something like that. My absolute max...