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    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam This is a terrible idea - women should not do the Arnold split obviously because soon she’ll be shouting catch phrases like “get een da choppa!” And “it’s not a toomah” I mean, you do you but don’t say you weren’t warned /s
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    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 42F. I only get endorphins rush from sprints Also, at this age I don’t really do sprints. I’ve found swimming and cycle classes to be sort of a good swap though Either way, you’re doing the very things for your body and I’m proud of you! Good luck :)
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    What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

    @christian2011 Less than 2% including gym membership for my family plus creatine I also spend another 6% of my takehome pay on kids sports
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I’ve never needed to lose weight or wear smaller clothes. I’ve always needed to be stronger and avoid sedentary-lifestyle diseases. My mom went to grad school for dance therapy before k was born and was a dance teacher, fitness instructor my whole life so I suppose I had a different...
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    How my gym views women

    @debyfabienne Everything you wrote is valid, OP. I’m really bothered by the commenters saying you misunderstood the humor. No. No you didn’t. The humor is sexist, exclusive and old-fashioned. Women don’t need to be ok being used as a pawn to make men feel strong and motivated to do the bare...
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    Transformation after 30

    @debyfabienne Good for you for paying attention to the subtle hormone changes. You sound very in tune with your body! It’s hard to say what your experience might’ve been with different lifestyle in your 20s. I became a mom at 21 so was working and sleeping regular hours, no going out or drugs...
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    Transformation after 30

    @aurora Yay good for you! Great question and I love that you’re noticing these gradual changes as you age. Recovery didn’t seem to change until this year, I’m 41. I feel like it takes me more intention and time for a warmup and more intention and time for recovery too. I lift low reps, heavy...
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    Transformation after 30

    @leadbyexample12 This resonates. I remember being really cost-conscious, started out my twenties on food stamps and eating scraps I snuck from the hotel where I worked. I am so bougie now, its almost kind of embarrassing
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    Transformation after 30

    @destls Thanks! I was 29 on the left and 36 on the right. It’s a long and very deliberate process, for me. I laugh at the “8 week shape up!” Or “30 day bikini challenge!” articles we see in media.
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    Transformation after 30

    @faithfuliris Blasted pandemic. You sound motivated and I bet you’ll have success. I feel like the age we are at now, it is easy to let life events take away our health. Aging parents (and even aging partners), young adult kids, high responsibility jobs, leadership position in community...
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    any success stories with going from very skinny to bigger/stronger?

    @cwngfd Here’s my success story. My 20s were spent skinny, hungry, poor and having babies. I started seeing changes after 30. First priority MUST be sleep. Then water, then nutrition. Then finally fitness. Stay the course!
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    Transformation after 30

    @moshia Interesting. Is it hormonal IUD? I’d prefer a little extra bodyfat versus an unplanned pregnancy anyway.
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    Transformation after 30

    @ketzlerb Queen of cat suits! We salute you, your highness 👸🏻!
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    Transformation after 30

    @jim04 Thanks! It’s evolved of course but right now, for the past 6 months, I’m building strength with Stronglifts 5X5. I add chin-ups for my elbow, it had been very sore but chin-ups help. Lifting three times a week. Running 1-2 times and walking for cardio most days. The best program I ever...
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    Transformation after 30

    Bad Apricot shared the Stronger By Science article yesterday and I wanted to expand a conversation about women’s muscle growth as we age. I wasn’t ever able to easily muscle gain mass as a lifelong athlete until my thirties. With no other evidence than my own experience, I always suspected my...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate I’m 41 and don’t remember when I didn’t lift, besides pregnancy or injury, it’s just been phases of different strength training. Machines or hand weights at home or mostly barbells or strength focused or body building focused. Really leaned in when my youngest was 2 - so 10 years ago...