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  1. C

    Box Owners, please monitor your “contact us” mailboxes and forms

    @flishflake86 Some places can get very busy at certain times. My gym has 16 slots available for class and there is frequently a wait list at 6am, 7am and 530pm. The reason for the cap is both available space and available equipment. So not contacting the gym ahead of time could end up impacting...
  2. C

    24.3: Observations after a morning in the gym

    @buckswordbearer Love this post! This was exactly my plan going in. I have a sub 4 Fran and can string 10 C2Bs but I knew that would blow me up on the 2nd part. I treated the first half as an every 90 seconds workout and did singles the whole way on C2Bs. Added a few extra seconds on the last...
  3. C

    Box Owners, please monitor your “contact us” mailboxes and forms

    @thomasmoore That's a very American view of the world. In much of Europe, when you are off work, you are expected to be off work. Not answering emails at 9pm because someone in a different time zone is inquiring about dropping in when they visit your area next week.