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  1. C

    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @shiwang90 You’re feeling fatter because you probably look and feel a little “mushier.” Your skin is losing the fat that was keeping it plumped out, but you haven’t built any muscle to replace the fat. So everything may feel a little saggy for a while, but keep going. Start incorporating at...
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    1yr update, now about 3 years of steady progress now 41F/5'1/110-113lbs

    @redrabbit Because lupus is basically a disease of collagen destruction, I have a lot of icky pain in my joints (and hair. And skin. And and and…) Drinking a bone broth protein shake daily makes a humongous difference for me. Good luck to you!!
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    1yr update, now about 3 years of steady progress now 41F/5'1/110-113lbs

    ALBUM WITH CURRENT PROGRESS PICS, TAKEN YESTERDAY (getting ready to start a 6wk bulk cycle): Links to prior posts, with progress pics in each: 2023: 2022: Figured it's time for another progress update. Technically I'm fitness 40+ now but my heart isn't ready to make the move. As of...
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    Progress Pics (5'6, 103lb => 128lb)

    @jayden_jay I'm so happy to see this. I also struggle with losing weight too easily and this is the first place I've ever found that has a weight-positive attitude! Sadly, you don't look "too thin" to me at all, despite being 5in taller than me and at the same current weight as I am, and I was...
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 If you can afford monthly dexa scans and bloodwork, you can absolutely afford some sort of hybrid training with a personal trainer. It’s not as expensive as you think and there’s lots of trainers that can offer some flexibility where they don’t stand and direct you at every session...
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    No weight loss with weight lifting

    @galnaros How are your clothes fitting?
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold Humor made no sense in this scenario because you knew exactly why he was waiting there. Stop making excuses for being a little dick. You obviously have no intention of modifying your behavior so why did you even post ??
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold You’ll get differing opinions on this. My personal gym etiquette is to open my mouth when someone is eyeing up the equipment. Especially when you’re taking a two minute rest on the equipment?? If you would just speak and ask if they’d like to alternate sets with you, like I do, I don’t...