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  1. F

    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @1fish Yup. I bench with absolute glee and am always slipping at least a few sets in to my workouts even if it's not scheduled so it's no suprose to ne that my bench is more impressive than my other stuff.
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @1fish It's been really interesting to me how many lifters seem to have one much higher lift. You're bench is like my long term lifting goal. 😍
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @godislove19933 So how did you lift before this year? Like bodybuilding hypertrophy stuff or very light dumbell movements or? You're going to have so much fun lifting once you get done cutting. Good job for sticking to it for that long!
  4. F

    Amino acid deficiencies are actually a huge concern as a vegan weightlifter, aren't they?

    @tripp1523 So I don't disagree with you but my rebuttal is thus: even if veganism makes you a weakling it's still better than killing animals AND there's lots of jacked vegans so clearly it works out somehow.
  5. F

    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @ronit 88# for two on OHP sounds great. I've been at 80# for one for like the past two months. Any brilliant tips?
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @oligog That 1.75X BW deadlift though. It's interesting to see how weight training scales across size differences for sure.
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @internetimm547 Hey, the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself.
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    It'd be cool to see what like 5+ years of lifting will do for a woman! Also, age, years trained, bw, height, programs used, nutrition, or whatever else would be neat to see.