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  1. F

    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    @xdxaxvxex I have been in relationship for two years that has been up and down. It started with me being sick and him taking care of me because I lost a couple jobs. (it could’ve been the filthy apartment I moved in to but his wasn’t much better..) he convinced me to do the whole trad girl...
  2. F

    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    @xdxaxvxex I feel tired/exhausting during Luteal/Menstrual phase I know It will be worse because now I'm working 9-5. Luckily my job involves me walking around to different offices and not sitting the whole time, but still it's tiring. I know i'll want to continue to do something small during...
  3. F

    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @baptistbiblebeliever thats a lottt. aren't you tired. can you talk about the TDEE, id like to find mine, i'm 5'2/5'2 and 140 . started doing more calistetics Jan 1 to lose weight, and i just gained a few pounds. -___-
  4. F

    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    Hi friends, When I was unemployed, I used to work out five times a week, including three times at the park doing calisthenics. Now that it’s summer where I live (over 90 degrees everyday), it takes a lot more energy for me to get out and exercise, especially since I have PMDD. I also got quite...
  5. F

    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @dmhanson511 omg thats so little cals :( sorry to hear. this is going to be harder for me to lose weight than i realized.
  6. F

    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @dmhanson511 so what are you going to do?