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  1. L

    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @allthingsarebecomenew You need a better program. The GZCLP suggestion is a good one. If you need something suuuper straightforward, what I did during my horrible one year of morning workouts is strong lifts 5x5. The app is super easy to use and even calculates deload for you. Seconding...
  2. L

    What to do next?

    @gordon_b The closer you get to a “healthy” weight, the harder it is to lose. Weight lifting is probably helping you recomp—how do your clothes fit? Cardio will improve your cardio fitness which is important, but as far as fat loss goes, cardio is only going to help if it increases your deficit...
  3. L

    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @allthingsarebecomenew Protein shake (and pre workout or coffee)