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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @inthepottershands Thank you so much! 💛 I did physionomique (idk how to spell it) and he had awesome plans for home and gym. 🥰 I guess I could do the dumbbells and add more reps for now. 🙏🏻 and I will increase my cardio yes! Thank youu! This is so helpful.
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @inthepottershands So Ive been at 1200 cals for 7 months, with irregular workouts. I cant afford to go to gym but I do have 10 and 15 lbs dumbbell which I use. The cardios (brisk walking 10k) I only added this month to train for my travel hehe maybe Ill add more intensity to my strength and run...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @sneebuck Hi! Ive been doing deficit since February. I only subtracted 200 because if I do more, I would be eating less than 1200. Different calculators gice me different TDEE but my maintenance was around 1300-1500. I work out but not very regular 😅
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @sefo Oh no, no worries. At least I know it worked for a lot of ppl. Thank you! 💛
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @sefo Thank you! How do you decide on how much cals you should add and when to stop? 😭 Im planning to add 100 this week.
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @sefo Can I ask what made you try reverse dieting? Was it also plateau?
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @lmg633 Oh woow! Congrats on the loss 🥳 hmm.. yeah I think I lack cardio/steps. I work from home most of the time and I dont even reach 2k on those days. Ive been walking more as training for my next travel and making sure I reach 10k during my walks hehe however its not everyday. Maybe I should...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @danieljames Thank you so much for this 🥺 I guess the pressure from my doctors to keep eating less and do more cardio is getting to me more than I realize. Ill try upping up my maintenance to maybe about 1600 depending on how my body reacts. Youre all so helpful 🥺
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @iamforgivenandredeemed Thank you for this! 💛 would you say a consistent weight for a week would be enough to identify your new maintenance? My weight fluctuates so much. Like the biggest fluctuation I saw was 2 kilos! 😂 i almost cried gaining 2 kilos then i weighed myself again the next morning...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @iamforgivenandredeemed Actually, the doctors Ive seen want me to aim for 48-50kgs because its my “ideal” weight but I dont wanna be that anymore. I use to weight 45kg and I look like a kid 😅 I told them I do strength more than cardio so my weight is not lowering fast and they keep telling me to...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @iamforgivenandredeemed Oh wow! Are you at your goal weight now? Can I ask why did you decide to do this?
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @charliechristians That's very encouraging, I appreciate that! :) I definitely agree. I tried doing a lot more weights before and naturally, my weight didnt change much but my body was better and I feel better. Unfortunately, they only relied on my BMI and kept pushing me to lose. And since...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @charliechristians Oh this is good insight. Thank you very much. Most of the doctors I saw are like "more cardio, eat less" and it's stressing me out, especially since they know I have hormonal imbalance. I'll focus on losing fat and less on scales. Thank youu!
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @tashpauls Thank you very much! 💛 yes, I was 58 yesterday and now 57.5 because my period finally started. This is so frustrating at times. Ill up my calories this week yay! But Ill also incorporate strength workout more. Even if I do gain weight, at least its muscle mass right? Hehe thank you...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @tashpauls Oh I did not know that but that makes me feel better hahaha 🙈 been fluctuating from between 58-59 for maybe 2 months now. Do you think I should also up my calories?
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    Hi! I’m a 4’8” (144cm) F that is finding hard to lose weight because imagine my TDEE 🙈 I started trying losing weight when I hit 62kg. I’m tracking my calories since February and eating 1200 a day (I didnt want to eat lower than that) but i’ve stalled at 58-59 kg. I do exercise but not as...
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    Finally got dumbbells and…

    @kaylarose3 Thats too heavy for beginners 🙈 I started with 2lbs. Yes! Thats super low but safety first haha