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  1. B

    F/25/5'8" 161 lbs to 134 in a little over 3 months

    @newstart2012 Oh okay. I can totally relate. When I get depressed, I lose my appetite too. I have a question, though. Is this your 2nd time losing weight/getting in shape? I was checking your profile to see if you had anymore details about your routine, and I saw progress photos from 2 years ago...
  2. B

    F/25/5'8" 161 lbs to 134 in a little over 3 months

    @newstart2012 Great work OP! You look great. F/32 5'8.5 (I don't let people forget the half an inch. I'm proud of it lol) and I started at 158 now down to 153. How long did it take you to start noticing consistent weight loss? Your progress is losing more than a pound a week, so I'm curious how...