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  1. S

    Should I feel disappointed in my back squat abilities?

    @esperanza20 I would say i start feeling it around the end of the 9 x 145 like the last 1 or 2 reps of that set are a bit of a struggle. the entire set of 6 x 165 are rough I can get them out but i would say I am close to failure by the 6 maybe can squeeze in one more rep.
  2. S

    Should I feel disappointed in my back squat abilities?

    @theadmiral I am looking at the 531 for beginners now. Just curious do you see an issue with replacing the overhead press with seated overhead press. I am limited on overhead space in the area I workout
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    Should I feel disappointed in my back squat abilities?

    @anonymous18 Honestly, there isn’t a particular reason. I use an app called GainsAI that pretty much creates/keeps track of my routine. I am just doing what it tells me more or less. Not to say what it is telling me is right being a complete beginner I was struggling to find a good routine...
  4. S

    Should I feel disappointed in my back squat abilities?

    So a few things about me going into this. I am 34 Male, 6’1” 168lbs. I feel like I have hit a wall with my progress. My current routine has me doing 12 x 75 ( for warmup) 12 x 125 10 x 135 9 x 145 6 x 165 Each week this is a struggle I can get them out but the exertion rating is...