Search results

  1. K

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @psalms119 I forgot about the 1rm last year but that was such a new one off thing when compared to past years. But you still needed to do crazy cardio stuff first. But I guess two heavy wods last year and twice on burpees does make your point. I'm smaller and I did better last year than this year.
  2. K

    Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

    @psalms119 I don't know why people keep saying that. Aside from the burpees being twice if you look at 2015 open workouts they are still the same movements and a lot of the weights are about the same from last year except this year the snatch got lighter and the deadlifts got heavier. 15.4 still...