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    What are your favorite ways to cook tempeh?

    @evnhope I've found for me as long as I keep the fats lower, legumes don't bother my digestion. Not sure if you've experimented with that or not, but it helped me get more legumes in my diet which made getting more protein easier. That said, I love making "bacon" tempeh, plenty of good recipes...
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    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    @bornoptimist When I first switched to vegan I was shitting like 3-4 times in the morning right when I woke up. Now though I'm at once a day, always in the morning just like before.
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @2911music You're correct but also iirc igf-1 also promotes muscle synthesis, which is a big reason things like whey are so popular in the mainstream. So soy mimics that. Of course, inflammation in general is considered bad, but intense athletic activities are also associated with inflammation...
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @ichthymom Nothing to worry about really. IIRC he's saying more than 5 servings of soy per day increases inflammation, but if you're lifting you want the inflamation for optimal muscle growth, so who cares? Dr. Greger is a cool guy but following his word to the letter isn't necessary. He's just...
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    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    @valentinusheretic Always good to take a second pass just to be sure ;)
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    Does anyone else feel a “duty” to be fit to disprove “soyboy” myths?

    @kirkhaggerty Yes, I am very motivated to prove people wrong about veganism.