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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 9: Happy Star

    @flower94 More investment in better facilities/practice setups. The amount of data they pull from cars these days compared to 10-15 years ago is insane. Which obviously gives more technical advances. Hamilton isn’t racing against anyone at his level. Schumacher had Senna/Hakkinen and Mansell...
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 9: Happy Star

    @ezie Can’t compare Schumacher to Hamilton it’s totally different eras of F1 due to investment/practice etc.
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

    @mikelore I’d say it’s more tactics and having rest. I think full effort rule applies to people who are 5th place and everyone else finished just not bothering to save energy.
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals: Swim n' Stuff

    @holly957 Looking forward to seeing the excuse Brooke Wells gives on Instagram next week for being so poor.
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    Crossfit Boxes in the UK

    @francoisakafran Blackstag Crossfit. Just opened up so a fledgling in Glasgow. Hit me up!