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  1. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @godisnotreal6969 Oil-free hummus, which is probably more expensive or harder to find, so I adjusted the macros. Alternatively you can make your own without oil which really cuts the calories.
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    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @jesusfollower88 ahh! yes, I do cook my lentils from dry. I feel like I've never really gotten the hang of cooking bigger beans from dry though... last week I soaked black eyed peas for a day, then cooked them for an hour, and they were still kind of crunchy when I tried them. I was like, what...
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    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @bahamianbeauty No problem! It's great to hear that you are making the switch to a healthier diet :) I'll just add what I put in another thread here: This comes to only 1300 calories so of course you'll need to eat a lot more. But hopefully it will give you some ideas! :) Breakfast 2 slices...
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    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @digitizing oh my god! Thanks for the heads up--I'll edit it. I was wondering why it was so high
  5. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @godgivenwings hmm it takes getting used to. The first time I tried it I was disgusted, and I liked blue cheese back then haha. I definitely wouldn't try it as a spread although some people have it on toast. more popular with rice or just on its own though. If there is an asian supermarket or...
  6. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    @godgivenwings Hmm interesting! If trying to lose weight, I would probably keep the snacks but reduce portions at meal times. For instance one cup of cooked oatmeal in the morning plus the fruit and soy milk would still be a filling meal. Also raw veggie sticks instead of the crackers would...
  7. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    Hi everyone, I know that a lot of people cite protein, cost, prep time, etc. as concerns when adopting a vegan or plant-based diet. Well, I have compiled an example day of eating that busts these myths. Meals like this will make plant-based eating a lot easier for many people, including athletes...