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  1. L

    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @kalota You only need 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Anything more is a waste of money and is gonna make you fart a ton. You can certainly eat more protein, but there's no reason to. He needs more carbs because he needs more calories. That's not going to make you fat if you are training...
  2. L

    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @kalota Reducing carbs is about the worst advice you could give this guy.
  3. L

    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @icameforhelp You just need to bump up your calories. You're burning a ton of calories working as a mover. Increase each week by like 500 calorie increments until your weight goes up by like a half a pound or a pound a week. You wanna mostly increase your carbs to do this. Simple carbs are fine...
  4. L

    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @revrayh Whole foods are not gonna help someone like this gain weight. If anything, he needs to eat more simple carbs so he can get in enough calories. Intentionally eating filling, fibrous foods is not gonna help with that. Dried fruit and nuts would be fine, as they're calorie dense, but...
  5. L

    Things you eat everyday

    @fru I forgot to put the truvia in that recipe. I think I have maybe used like 60g of it, but they weren't very sweet. I've since bought some pure stevia to bump up the sweetness for the next batch. I'm still trying to dial that in. For now, I just sprinkle some extra sweetener on the brownie...
  6. L

    Amino acid deficiencies are actually a huge concern as a vegan weightlifter, aren't they?

    @tripp1523 I gotta be honest, the fact that you're conflating weightlifting and bodybuilding makes me think you're aren't yet at the level of experience where obsessing about macros, let alone amino acids, is going to matter much. You don't need to supplement with protein powder at all.