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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    @dmhanson511 Thank you! Another page suggested I move down to 1.5k too, I’ll have to try it and increase protein
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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    @austinrnewton Thank you so much I appreciate you!! That makes so much more sense. I didn’t explain it well in the post but from Sept 2022 to May/June of 2023 I went to the gym every day, then from June 2023 to Feb 24 was when I stopped being active, gained fat and lost muscle, so that could...
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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    @austinrnewton It did!! Thank you so much! I appreciate your advice.
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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    @austinrnewton Also, is there a specific brand of powder you recommend or does it matter?
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    Am I doing body recomp correctly?

    Hi there! I’m a female, 5’3 and 149lbs. I started around 155lbs in February when I started going to the gym again (got lazy and stopped for 4+ months). I have a pear body shape with a lot of fat in my thighs, hips, and some hip dips, so this is where most of my weight comes in. I lift 4-5x a...