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  1. R

    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 It’s the name of the workout plan. If you Google strong lifts 5x5 you’ll find all you need to know! There’s also a subreddit for it I believe. And yes, this is a full-body workout. You can add a few accessory lifts if you would like (bicep curls, triceps, calves) but it is not really...
  2. R

    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 I pretty much do the strong lifts 5x5 however I am now doing 8x4. A/B workout days with one day being squat, bench press, OH press and one day being squat, bent over row, and deadlift. I do maybe two additional accessory lifts as well. It hits all the major compound exercises without...
  3. R

    Can 3 days in the gym be good enough?

    @luin31 I do full body workouts that average about 30-45 minutes 3x a week and make sure I get my steps in everyday. I definitely feel like that’s enough.
  4. R

    Do you think your shoe size has a correlation with your ideal weight?

    So hear me out— I am 5’2” and have always had a slightly stockier, athletic build. Bigger butt, bigger thighs, strong legs, and… BIG FEET. I am short but wear a size 9.5 - 10 shoe. I started at my biggest around 160 and am now around 142 and feel really good and want to lose maybe 5 or so more...