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    Working with heavier weights and now I can almost do a full pushup

    @habakkukthreenineteen Thanks! Push ups used to be my least favorite exercise. Now, I almost like hand release push ups, and my least favorite exercise is mountain climbers, but I am willing to do them at a slow pace.
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    Need new routine

    @needmyangel Eh, join a gym and do body pump or your own workouts? A full service gym will have lots of options for you to entertain yourself with.
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    Working with heavier weights and now I can almost do a full pushup

    Just want to toot my own horn a little bit that I have been grabbing heavier dumbbells (12#) for fitness classes, and today I used a 14# and 20# weight ball too. I am getting stronger. I can almost do a real, full, on the toes toes push up. Later this summer I want to move up to 15#...
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    M/60/5'10" [292lb>151lb = 141 pounds] Two years can change your life!

    @spamdetector Wow. Very well done. Good comment about the relationship with food and portion sizes. I am trying to eat like a skinny person and take very small portions.
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    @cl4r3 The menopause group can be cranky. It is useful if you are looking for some specific info. but can become a real bitch fest over there. Glad you came here. I am currently reading Wheat Belly books and working on lower cab, high protein and fat and significantly reducing carbs, sugar and...
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    @nic2018 Really good advice on an annual physical!