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  1. K

    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @thunderchildau There isn’t a practical way to directly measure it but you can calculate it with an online calculator. This isn’t particularly useful because it doesn’t actually matter. Only TDEE matters.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @deni500 The panatta high row and chest supported row have different mechanisms to actually move the load that result in a much more even resistance curve. On those the weight isn’t attached directly to the machine arm you’re moving like on the hammer strength ones. They’re also higher quality...
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    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @rumiakthar No you don’t. Go on a TDEE calculator website and type in the stats it asks for (usually height, weight, age, and activity level). That will give you a ballpark estimate of TDEE. Based on that number, adjust your calories according to your goals. Weight yourself regularly in the...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @deirdreatkins Exactly, I’m a huge fan of a lot of single arm back movements where you’re anchored in or supported somehow.
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    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @rumiakthar Do you mean BMR? If so, no, it’s not important. TDEE is the one that matters.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @oncemore Awesome, glad to hear it man!
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    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    @rumiakthar You have to understand the difference between BMR and TDEE. BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the amount of calories your body would require to function if you were in a coma. The variability of BMR between people varies somewhat, but not much. TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @oncemore I usually use 3-3.5 plates per side on that machine
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    What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

    @austinsugden No, this is not common or advisable for most people in most cases. Where are you seeing this? The only time I can imagine this would be even close to necessary is at the very tail end of a contest prep when getting lean needs to be prioritized over health and performance...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @oncemore Engagement is one thing, effective stimulus is another. If you’re strong at all you’re going to have a very difficult time bracing in that position against the load you will have to use to hit failure in a reasonable rep range.
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    Can you get this physique in 1 year or is this guy BSing me?

    @zanyteen16 It literally doesn’t matter what your genetics are like. Building muscle and becoming healthier is always worthwhile. If someone told you with certainty that your genetics suck, would you quit? I would hope not.
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    Manipulating extracellular water retention

    @matt5963 The kidneys and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) exert tight controls over fluid/electrolyte balance and blood volume. While it would be great to be able to minimize subQ water long term, it just isn’t practical outside of peak week because of the tight parameters for...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @dawn16 Good for you. Barbell row and pull ups aren’t inherently bad movements, I just dislike them.
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    Is this a good routine?

    @salbadinhduong It’s better than not working out at all, but not as good as a routine made by someone who knows what they’re doing. There are many to choose from in the r/fitness wiki. The bigger piece here for weight loss is your diet. Going to a nutrition coach or dietician is a good idea.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @sarham41 Back S: Prime extreme row, prime chest supported row, panatta high row, panatta chest supported row, deadlift variations, hammer strength supinated pulldown A: pronated cable straight bar row, single arm cable row, wide grip pulldown, neutral grip pulldown, meadows row B: single arm...
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @rogue06 We actually don’t know for sure if gear users need more protein. Some bodybuilding coaches anecdotally notice that gear users grow more with more protein. Others say it doesn’t make a difference. Theoretically, a gear user may need more protein because the exogenous hormones are...
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @backnforth What do you mean “master that weight at that volume”? You should be performing most, if not all sets with pretty tight execution throughout the set. What I foresee happening here, is that the 3x8 at a given weight will become progressively easier and each set would get...
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    How do you accurately know how many calories you’re burning?

    @donna8558 You can’t, which is why you try to keep activity consistently high, and track food intake and morning scale weight. Watch for the trend of the weekly average of your weight.
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    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    @blondie977 Personally I like high to low. Do what you can get the best contraction in your chest with though.
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    Bulking and van driving

    @bc1 Btw, be careful with the Berberine dosage and watch for signs of going hypo