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    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    @nataliekennard I just bought one solely so I can work non standard bell weights.
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    Recommended KB Programs for kids (7-10 yr olds)

    @sayjay9274 10 yr olds need to be active. It doesn’t really matter how, anything that gets them moving is a win. Try to gets some buy-in with them. Just like how many kids have expectations of certain household duties and school responsibilities-you may need to establish some kind of contract...
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    Alternative exercises in RoP when you don’t have a pull-up bar

    @kianicole This is such a ridiculous looking exercise but it actually would have a nice constant resistance profile for the lats unlike a lot of other alternatives. I bet you could scale this with added weight and something that slides better under your body.
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    First attempt at a Pentathlon ⭐️

    @dudebro Hey, cool! Here’s a score calculator if interested Pentathlons are dope.
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    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    @kimgrogg Working for 20s, resting for 10s He’s doing renegade rows for 20s, resting 10s, then doing 20s of cleans, resting 10s, then repeating but with planks instead of cleans, continuous for 6min.
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover That tank is sweet and so is this progress. Very cool.
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    How to tell if I’m normal/strong/weak for my size

    @jackier293 This is the way. The people you probably consider strong have likely gotten that through having a goal, having a plan and being able to stick with it despite whatever else was going on around them. If you want an actual answer- the average person is pretty weak and lazy, so just by...
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    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @kruise I like this sentiment. I certainly don’t think it’s the most important thing but I absolutely believe it matters. People won’t pour hard effort into things they constantly second guess. Commit and go for it then assess. Even if you fail you discover something useful. And yes, curls...
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @iamasinkingship In the words of Dan John…who said this to you
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    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @missguidedsheep Why not do it for a few months, evaluate and report back? Don’t worry about optimization. With effort even poor programming will “work”. Anything you’re worried about missing (which is often where people go overboard and cram too much in) you can always shoehorn into...