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  1. F

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @dawn16 No man. The only thing I can think of that would tank my hormones is my dissociation due from excesive worrying(OCD behavior)
  2. F

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @niecey85 I was under the impression low test levels resulted in loss of muscle mass. I definitely need to revaluate my diet and start tracking my weight though
  3. F

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @paparazi257 Is there a point to working out with low testosterone? I'm 17 with bitch ass levels(200ng/dl), and I'm wondering if it's inhibiting from making gains. I've been consistently working out 6 days week(10-12 hours) with Nsuns, eating alot(3300-4000 calories daily), and getting a bunch...