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  1. M

    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    @beachgirl76 I would feel like such a coward by quitting workouts midway and couldn’t understand how others could keep going. I have a reasonable engine (nothing like some of the people here). Realised it was just me starting a long workout, getting HR to 180 and then trying to hold on for 45...
  2. M

    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    @smarch Mobility and pacing. Pacing took me about three years to learn. Purely my own stupid ego. Don’t fly out the gates. Always be moving. You will get better the longer you do it.
  3. M

    Advice: Weight-Training Post-WOD?

    @austins3991 Just do basic 5/3/1 training after the wod for the main lifts.