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  1. D

    Joint health

    @mad_ugleigh Thanks for this. I’ve scaled down a bit and seem to be doing better so far (not more than 3 days a week plus some lower intensity cardio or lifting on the other days).
  2. D

    Joint health

    @neowatchman Good advice, thanks! My job places me at a desk for 10-12 hours a day for the last 15 years, no doubt that hasn’t helped with mobility. Are there any stretching protocols you’d advise?
  3. D

    Joint health

    @leemills Great advice, thanks!
  4. D

    Joint health

    Curious what long time CrossFit participants do to protect their joints? I’ve been at it for over 10 years, am in my late 30s. Have been through several cycles where I get stronger/fitter and then injure something, have to rehab for a while, bounce back and then re-injure. In terms of...