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  1. R

    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @kruise I've only used it in a rest day HIIT cardio circuit with kettlebell. I haven't used it much, same with KB cuz I've been so focused on weight training. I love Bulgarian bag too, but it destroys my shoulders and upper back which interfered with my chest, OHP and back days. Now that was...
  2. R

    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @giants89 That's what I'm asking. I want to do them for conditioning, but as an accent and compliment to my heavy weights. Doing a full KB routine seems too much on top of my current weight lifting split no? Like would doing say 50 swings first thing in morning and progressively increasing...
  3. R

    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    Sup y'all, I am 477lbs and was 546lbs last November and I'm training 4x week Legs, Chest/Tris, Rest, Back/Bis and OHP/Shoulders, rest, rest. I go very hard when I lift, my shirt is as wet as if I jumped in a lake. I also do fairly high heavy reps. 8-12(sometimes I do more) sets per body part...