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  1. W

    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @wedinn That wouldn't be a real progress though because you determine your 10RM before you start and the whole program is designed following percentage of that 10RM. That is not increasing strength but increasing intensity, which is meaningless without a rep number
  2. W

    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @wedinn He shows his progress and says he made the most noticable strength gains. How else is this to interpret if he doesn't state how many reps he did with each weight
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @wedinn I know, thats why I ask how OP knows his 1RMs
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @eil You do 1RM tests during the RP program?
  5. W

    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa Different for everybody. My chest response best ar the very high end. My legs on the other hand barely need 10 sets