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    First Bodybuilding Show - Recap

    @prcg345 That's why you gotta say fuck it. Then its easy to take Melatonin at 4 am. This makes it easy to fall asleep again.
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    So systemic MRV isn’t real, same with local MRV?

    @fredjames007 I think it's a case of the research saying "your hand isn't increasing in temperature" and science communicators say "seeee hot hand doesn't exist".
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @marco70 No idea, my guess would be twice a year 2 weeks should be pretty fine but this might be far off too.
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    First Bodybuilding Show - Recap

    @prcg345 Gotta say fuck it and take melatonin. Refeeds really help to stave this off.
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    So systemic MRV isn’t real, same with local MRV?

    @cybernetic Well as usual no one cares. People use the term central fatigue or CNS fried for a certain feeling that appears when you do too much work. What it is exactly doesn't matter, it exists and is feelable. In addition to that many people already saw the effects of how too much overall...
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    Mentzer consolidation(ish) review

    @kimanje The mentzer book comes with exercise explanation. Before 1990 the RDL hasn't existed and wasn't famous outside of Olympic lifting.
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @kpatrick1111 The heart if damaged becomes shit, scar tissue is bad contractile tissue. The kidney if damaged repairs itself, that's why we seldom see those problems. Pro bodybuilders eat 6k+ calories, have a lot of mass + muscle mass, eat a lot more protein and take kidney destroying PEDs...
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    Mentzer consolidation(ish) review

    @kimanje Rack pull = RDL The name of rack pulls changed and a new partial rom exercise took it's place. Btw RDLs changed too, originally you would do a shrug at the end of the RDL. It's an accessory for Olympic lifts.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

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    Mentzer consolidation(ish) review

    @kimanje Today you would call them RDL and yes they fit into that slot perfectly.
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 What do you think of maingaining vs bulk n cut cycles?
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @helen2002 Exactly, sadly there are other studies that don't align with these results so we don't know shit.
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @kglahoda Except for gains.
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw I know that feel, after some years it dissipates. Enjoy the gym, when it gets stale you can always tune it down.
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw No one needs 6x per week training, especially not beginners. Do it if you love the gym but if you prefer gains go down to 3-4 days.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @minhphat Not that I know off. People usually gauge rir mid set and if a study doesn't mimic that I can't take the results seriously.
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    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    @tonemonkey What if he has robby Robinson / Mike o Hearn/ Ronnie coleman genetics?
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @minhphat True people are really bad at gauging rir, but lifters are a lot more accurate.
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    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    @frcs Especially if you do crazy 3h workouts
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @minhphat Chet yorton only trained til the reps started to slow down. I think one should lift for fun primarily, and many people would prefer non failure even if it meant spending 4x as much time in the Gym.