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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @lee1009 Ahhhh. So giving it rest seems to have helped reduce the (possible) inflammation?
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @lee1009 Mine seems to almost be the opposite. I get almost no pain during or after exercise, only when kneeling down (onto, with pressure) the knee.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @dawn16 Yeah, his stuff is great. However, not to discredit the fact that it does work, I don’t think the issue is strength, tightness or stability of, or surrounding, the patellar tendon, quad, glute or IT band. Worked through most of his style of exercises with my PT with no success.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @mikeb34 If I’m honest, I tried a whole slew of isometric leg exercises including these, and it didn’t seem to do much, maybe if anything aggravate it. After I’m done giving it about 6 weeks of reduced physical activity I may try these again, tho, as they are still great for that tendon.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @borisv Yeah, I don’t remember ever having a ton of redness and swelling, and I never really had to stop deadlifting or squatting (though “noticed” it a little bit when going heavy). I wonder if continuing to workout, and hike and treat it normally created some chronic inflammation over time.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @pgobollan Thanks for the information! This is going to be similar to my approach moving forward, I think.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    All the way back in Feb I started having pain in my left knee when I would kneel down on it. I THINK it was from kneeling down too much while doing some house projects but I am not sure. Knee pain is on the top/center of the patella, just underneath the bony knob, near the patellar tendon and...