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  1. J

    Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day

    @mcross Windy and wet slushy Winters suck, we get some of that right before Spring starts. Althought it hits differently, it's almost just as bad as the dead of winter. No matter what I do, my feet & ankles are cold and damp, and its a constant battle with mud and slush being brought indoors. Yuck.
  2. J

    Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day

    A year ago, I made the transition from a physically active job (constantly on the move, including walking 8-10+ miles), to a work from home sedentary desk job. It's been a huuuuuge adjustment to say the least. I also live in Canada and am currently dealing -20°C (-4°F) weather or colder...
  3. J

    When are glute band exercises no longer useful?

    @gracy225 I had a similar experience. PT last year due to an old sports injury flaring up. One side of my body was over-compensating and causing the misalignment & pain. My physiotherapist said I needed to build strength/muscle, but to start with bands before even considering weights. I needed...