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  1. F

    Advice for my workout schedule

    @dawn16 Is this true Even if I am able to absolutely destroy each muscle doing it once a week compared to not having enough time to really wear down my muscles during PPL splits figuring as I still only am able to workout for 1 hour each morning? Using my method I experience soreness in...
  2. F

    Advice for my workout schedule

    @dawn16 I really appreciate your replies and I know the PPL split works amazingly for a lot of people, I just find that my mind and my ADHD really limit my workout potential when using the more conventional workout programs. I always find natural ways to get past my ADHD roadblocks tho!!
  3. F

    Advice for my workout schedule

    @dawn16 I have done PPL splits in the past but I don’t tend to be consistent between all muscles due to my ADHD (for example: rushing through my chest workouts so I can get to the Triceps which are more mentally stimulating for me) I have found that targeting a specific muscle each day allows me...
  4. F

    Advice for my workout schedule

    Hello all I’m back in the gym after tending to an elbow injury. I have unmedicated ADHD and it is really easy for me to get out of my routine, so I prefer to workout everyday, 7 days a week. I ended up hurting my elbow doing this tho and had to take a few months off. So now I am back trying out...