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  1. S

    Body Recomp, Mini cut or Dedicated cut

    @mommajulesberry I thought 1lb / week was considered fairly low. What would you consider a better weekly weight goal that would lead to less fat gain ?
  2. S

    Body Recomp, Mini cut or Dedicated cut

    @sam100 I did consider this but I’ve heard that body composition isn’t too worth it if you’re not a newbie lifter or someone getting back into lifting. But if I can’t figure anything out, that might be the way to go. Also sorry I forgot to mention in the post but I’m a male
  3. S

    Body Recomp, Mini cut or Dedicated cut

    Hey there I’m kind of in a weird situation at the moment. I’ve been lifting for about a year now and I’m currently sitting at about 20-22% bf and weigh 65kg (143 lbs). I’ve been in a little bulk for about 2 months I’d say now and I started at around 17-19% body fat. What I’ve noticed is that...