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    Squat numbers dont match

    @saurabhtopno42 One other thing you could try doing in addition to dropping to a 3x per week schedule on the workouts is put your leg day first on Monday, that way your CNS is freshest from the weekend rest and recovery, as opposed to doing it after you've already done your pull and push days...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @dawn16 Again, why? He said he's eating at maintenance, which means that right off the bat he's not giving his body enough fuel to reliably continue to progress, and whatever progression he might be experiencing while eating at maintenance is going to be capped. And particularly if certain...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @dawn16 Why? It is well known that the quads for instance are a very important muscle group for squats but far less so for deadlifts. The fact is, neither you nor I know the specifics of his anatomy. Different people have different origin and insertion points with respect to their skeletal...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @dawn16 Could be his quads and adductors that are lagging, since they are not engaged in deadlifts to nearly the degree that they are in squats. While there is obviously overlap between the two exercises for some muscle groups, such as glutes and hamstrings, if both exercises worked the exact...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @jtgabq Actually it is how it works. A lot of people have body parts and therefore lifts that tend to lag behind others, where it is easier to make gains more than others. And it is also a fact that there is only so much fuel to go around in terms of both glycogen and muscle protein synthesis...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @saurabhtopno42 A few thoughts. First, you say you're eating at or near maintenance but making gains on other lifts. That means that all caloric fuel is currently feeding the gains on your other lifts and there isn't enough left over to feed your legs/squats. So something's gotta give. You...
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    35 y/o m. Recently started the journey to general fitness and well being. Looking for some advice

    @danielc413 If your primary goal is fat loss while retaining maximum muscle, I would do at least 3, maybe 4 days per week of weight/resistance training, and cardio on the other two days. Or you could add cardio at the end of each weight training session, do 4-5 days per week with 2-3 rest...
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    Transformation Part 1 (5'7/M/34, 170+ -> 151) - Looking for trainer for Part 2

    @terenence I worked with Menno Henselmans, and he was worth every penny. You may have to wait a bit to start with him as he tends to be very booked up, but he's well worth it.
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    Fat, or loose skin?

    @tedpolaris From the looks of it, probably a little bit of both? One thing I can say is that even though your height/weight proportions say you are "lean", it's a pretty good bet that some of the weight loss you experienced was muscle loss, which is why you can be 155 pounds and still not have...
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    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @rylez98 Congrats on your progress. But just FYI, what worked for you was the tracking of your calories and macros more so than the leangains program being a magic bullet, that makes or breaks pretty much any program you do. There are a ton of programs put there and they all pretty much work if...
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    My f*****g brain hurts!!

    @rein_29 Disregard that part of MyFitnessPal. If you calculated your TDEE correctly to begin with it should already account for your exercise and activity levels, and therefore the calories burned from them. Don't double dip on the numbers.
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    Hair loss and bodybuilding

    @ant101 Yes, either that or the nizoral. At least then if you try that regimen for a month or two you can gauge if the hair loss progression has halted or not and reassess from there.
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    Hair loss and bodybuilding

    @ant101 If that coincides with when your noticeable hair loss started, then it could indeed be a factor. Just to be safe you may want to stop taking the creatine for now and start using a shampoo with DHT blocker such as Nizoral, specifically look for the version that has 2% ketoconazole.
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    Hair loss and bodybuilding

    @ant101 Do you take creatine? There was a study done that showed creatine supplementation raises DHT, which is one of the primary factors that affects androgenic alopecia (aka hair loss). Whether that change in DHT levels is enough to be a hair loss accelerant is unclear, but absent further...
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    Help with a fitness routine (33f, toning focus)

    @elisei Your routine is fine. Any routine that engages in progressive overload is fine. What I note is conspicuously missing in your post is a single thing about your diet and nutrition, which accounts for 70-80% of your results. You say you want to "tone", which is code for lose fat while...