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  1. J

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    @mjsmom73 Are you training for a race or are you running and have a general goal about target speed? If it's the former, you'll have to prioritize running. That is to say, some weeks you'll think, "Man... if I do exercise A today, I know I won't have the energy for B tomorrow." If you're just...
  2. J

    Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

    @%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE As a runner who also avoided lower body for a long time... at a certain point you just gotta do it. Like, I get that running the day after a leg workout makes your runs suck, but it gets a lot easier once your body adapts to it, honest. Maybe for the first 2-3...
  3. J

    Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

    @joy314 Abs get all the attention, but it's really all the thrusting muscles that girls care about for obvious, biological reasons. If you're not good at hip hinging at the gym, you're not good at hip hinging in the bedroom