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  1. K

    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    @crebzaki Same boat. Turned 40, got tested just because. No chance I'll ever get TRT.. but now I know why I feel good typically despite long hours and very minimal sleep.
  2. K

    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @andy0 People tend to initiate the single arm press by pushing the elbow to the side with a tiny lean. This is how you counter balance. With doubles you need a good high rack position to allow a lean back. With 24s it won't be much, but the heavier bells require it. The bells must stay over...
  3. K

    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @andy0 Bodyweight helps with goals such as pressing heavier bells. Very doable around 180 to 200, less than that and it's a bit of a longer road. Single arm pressing has almost no carryover, unless you're pressing say the 40kg easily. The groove is entirely different. Without boring you I'd say...