Search results

  1. J

    My(just getting back into amateur fitness and trying to stay on a routine) leg routine workout

    I named this after my leg workout lol but forgot to talk about what I did today. I only did a total of 80 reps :/ I didn’t finish the last set of 2 variations x10 Anddd I’m suppose to be doing shoulder press and bench press as well(part of the push day) and it’s already 11 I go into work at 9...
  2. J

    My(just getting back into amateur fitness and trying to stay on a routine) leg routine workout

    My leg routine is in total 100 reps of squats but split up like this: 1 set of 10 shoulder width feet apart squats(legs bend straight and foward), THEN a 15 second rest, THEN 1 set of 10 wider stance squats(knees are pointed a bit outward), THEN a 30 second rest, REPEAT all that 4 more times. I...