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  1. J

    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @roseofsharon1980 Well he either says something not so harsh now before he gets so irritated he blows up and it gets to be a bad situation.
  2. J

    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @roseofsharon1980 It's about what you say and how you say it. He could say hey thanks for thinking I know so much about the gym but I'm honestly a novice and I prefer to just keep to myself and focus on my exercises while I'm at the gym. So if you wouldn't mind try not to start a conversation...
  3. J

    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @greysonphil You can, it's called being tactful.
  4. J

    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @jeannie36 The next time she comes up to you tell her that the gym is a place you like to be alone and while you have nothing against her you would prefer not to be interrupted so you can focus on your fitness or say that while you are flattered she is interested in talking to you, you aren't...
  5. J

    How do I stop feeling bad as black girl about no longer being ‘thicc’, partying, drinking, etc?

    @oikonomia So while I was never really a partier I definitely understand where you're coming from. What you have to focus on now is what makes you happy with yourself. Fuck whatever other people who you have known like to do, if you working out, wearing less makeup, and partying less makes you...