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    F/37/5'5/205lbs- I need a fitness plan

    @tamtamrod Walking was huge for me when I started. Here's the best advice I've found on the Internet:
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    40M looking for help on next steps

    @o0oshadow First of all, congratulations on the weight loss. That's a huge huge victory and you should be really proud of yourself. With what you're describing, I think a maintenance break is in order. RP fitness had some good articles out while back, I'm not sure if they are still open or not...
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    Should I eat 60g of protein or 259g?

    @nowhereman Here you go
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    Suggestions please

    @confuzn Here's a great place to start:
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    if you had 4-5 hours a week to spend in the gym over 4 sessions, what would you do?

    @mvelis15 I'd recommend switching to full body training. With the extra session do mobility and flexibility work. Do a proper program. 531 is great. Chad Waterbury has a ton of great programs online (TBT is super flexible). The fitness wiki has a ton of great info.
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo Sleep more, schedule it in. Forget bi curls for awhile. Focus on compound movements (press, pull, squat,deadlift). Get on a proven program. While it doesn’t generally matter much which routine you follow, it’s still important that you do follow a structured routine. It’s always...
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    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy At 40 a few years ago, coming out of the pandemic, I found myself obese, inflexible, in a bad mental health state, and hardly sleeping at all. Now I'm 43. This week I deadlifted, benched, and squatted like I did in my 20s. My mobility has returned. I'm relatively lean (about where...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @rbr He wrote, "people pay for organization, not information." You're arguing that people pay for "organized information." If that's what he meant, that makes sense. Average Joe absolutely is paying for information, IMO.
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx There's a lot going on here, but first can I ask: What do you mean by, "people pay for organization not information"?
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro Mid-forties guy here who got back into lifting a few years ago. I squat and deadlift. It's fun and makes me strong. But I really focus on mobility and technique. Even a slight "twinge" and I cut back or stop. Focus on learning your body and listening to it. If you want/need to...
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    How do you choose your supplement brand?

    @conner Yeah, if you haven't read the fitness wiki yet, I'd recommend spending all the time you were spending watching influencers and focusing on reading and rereading the fitness wiki. To be honest , it answers the vast majority of questions posted here.
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    How do you choose your supplement brand?

    @conner Fitness is kind of a three-legged stool. With one leg being training, one leg being diet, and one leg being rest / recovery. I feel like the vast majority of people need to focus on these three things and not to worry so much about supplements. With that said, if you got the above three...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I mean, tbh, as a middle aged guy who learned to lift off T-Nation back when, my general impression is that most health and fitness coaches are crap. So sure, "I know what I'm doing!" But also, "They got no idea what they're doing..." My 2 cents
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    Would love to hear some feedback for my routine!

    @nldctonc While it doesn’t generally matter much which routine you follow, it’s still important that you do follow a structured routine. It’s always better to defer to existing, proven routines that came from experienced professionals than it is to try to reinvent the wheel – at best you’ll come...
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    Rate my [improved] plan!

    @broken649 With literally hundreds of free, well designed, programs written by experts, why do you want to create your own? You are doing full body training, so I recommend exactly what r fitness beginner program recommends, exactly what 531 for beginners recommends: that you keep a day of...