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    How do I eat more?

    @langley7 Watches and scales are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to bf% so I don’t track that and don’t know. I’d say from online photo charts I’m in between 22-25%. Strength training was really key. I followed lifting programs that incorporated progressive overload, so I was lifting heavy...
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    How do I eat more?

    @langley7 It’s probably a combination of higher muscle mass and activity level/cardio. My cutting cals are around 1800 (0.5lb loss/week) and I’m the same stats as you.Took time to get there though, and adding in running was key in my experience.
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 Agree and this is why I’ve just accepted a range of goals versus a strict value point. There’s give and take and that’s okay! We all gotta be realistic about what’s feasible for us based on our lifestyles
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    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    @jesusisking1 What you’re describing seems also to do with body fat percentage. Just because you lost weight doesn’t necessarily mean belly fat will disappear.
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    Which Caroline Girvan workout would you recommend?

    @zoe1188 At this stage it doesn’t really matter which program you choose, the one that you enjoy the most and will do most consistently will be the key! It’s ok to try a program for a week or two, and switch if you’re not feeling it. But you’d probably want to do two months of consistent lifting...
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    Which Caroline Girvan workout would you recommend?

    @zoe1188 Weight loss is all about eating at a calorie deficit. It doesn’t matter which program you use. Building muscle will be difficult while eating at a calorie deficit. You’ll likely see some lean muscle form if you’re a newbie but probably not what you’re picturing in your head when you’re...
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    Which Caroline Girvan workout would you recommend?

    @zoe1188 Epic 2 is my favorite. Combined with a good, high protein diet it gave me a lot of strength and aesthetic gains.
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    Did anyone else struggle with their body image MORE as they got stronger/lost weight? How did you learn to appreciate your “new” self?

    @prayhouse Can’t speak for everyone else but I’m definitely not in the “always love how I look” camp. I focused a lot on building strength this last year and achieved some pretty incredible goals I set for myself (like a 1.5x deadlift and 1.25x squat!), and I do notice changes in my body that...
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    Successful Maintenance Phase w/o Tracking

    @xylophoio I more or less was in a maintenance phase for about 6 weeks to take a mental and physical break from a few months of cutting. Like you, I ate mostly intuitively but was definitely more indulging than usual. The week I returned to a cut, I weight myself everyday and the average weight...
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion 45-75 min. For compound lifts I’m resting 3-4 min between sets. For accessories I rest 2 min between sets. I lift heavy so keep my rep ranges in 4-5 reps for compounds and no more than 8 reps for accessories; seems like you might be lifting lighter than you can/should for...
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @cah5896 Love her IG content so much and this is the first program of hers that I’m using. It’s great! I screenshot each month’s workouts and just keep it on my phone since I track the weights / reps I use that way too.
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @sleeplesshollow I started with Thinner, Leaner, Stronger (free PDFs can be found online), but used dumbbells instead of the barbell for the compound movements when I was starting out. I’m currently running Sohee Lee Carpenter’s Year of Strength and really enjoy it. I’ve run several of Caroline...
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    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    @slant I not only wish I had started sooner, but when I did, I wish I followed a program sooner instead of bopping around in the gym with no goal in mind. The mental load of figuring out what to do became a huge barrier for me and led to months where I’d stop going before restarting, then...
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @regadoo Yes! This is how it’s done! It took me about 5 months to lose 10 lbs but like you said, have been able to maintain it because there’s room for the fun treats and drinks. I still worked hard and felt similarly that I wasn’t losing quickly enough, but in retrospect not sacrificing my...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @iamfavored2015 This. I also want to emphasize that even if you do get to whatever number on the scale, (and 9lbs in 2 months is aggressive for petite, already low-weight women) you may still be unhappy with your appearance bc cutting without much muscle mass to reveal afterward will result in...
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    Opinions / advice on my routine

    @jewelamani Gotcha. No worries - the heavy rows are great. Sorry, totally missed the home set up. For curls I would just sub out another hamstring exercise, like B stance RDL with a dumbbell.
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    Opinions / advice on my routine

    @jewelamani You’ll need a bit more back work if you’d like to work toward pull ups. Scap pull up and dead hangs are a great start, but I’d prob dedicate one of the two upper body days to mainly back work. Heavy lat pull downs, negative pull ups, heavy rows, etc. For lower body, I wouldn’t...
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    Opinions / advice on my routine

    @jewelamani What’s your goal?
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    everything i know about losing weight that might help you

    @koruschristian You’re making a lot of assumptions that what broad strokes worked for you will work for other people here. Many women on here are your height and weight, but with a higher TDEE. You confused BMR for TDEE. You’re a proponent of no “cheat” meals or days like it’s black and white...
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    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @ngocvncom Can confirm. I look better and fit in smaller clothes lifting heavy while in the 125-128 lbs range compared to little to no exercise in the 115-120lbs range.