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  1. K

    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @vhenebere Are you doing this exactly after you complete working out or a random time throughout the day? I know it's best to stretch while you're muscles are warm but I can't make the time for it opposed to doing it hours later instead.
  2. K

    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @lostanlooking I'll take you up on that. I'm in fear of becoming stale and immobile. I'm still young but the fear of feeling worse than I feel right now in 20 years scares me haha
  3. K

    Phil daru vs Everygotdamndre programs

    Sup y'all, Looking to buy a program to use for the next two months to do alongside regular BJJ training. Currently own: 30lb - 2 40lb - 1 50lb - 1 60lb - 1 65lb - 1 Any recommendations? Looking to only use body weight, resitance bands and kettlebells.
  4. K

    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    @ricwil You know what, I used to do a lot of his routines after BJJ when I was a white belt. I should prob check him out again!
  5. K

    Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?

    Sup y'all, I'm a Jiu Jitsu practitioner, alongside a kettlebell enthusiast. On top of that I squeeze these workouts into my day. With my career and WFH, I often rush into these workouts but would like to make the time at the end of the day to work on flexibility. In the morning, I wake up...