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  1. M

    Hello! Sorry if this isn’t allowed ; I’m looking for an app recommendation

    @sourpeach “StretchingExcercises” and “Yoga” for iOS haha sorry I don’t really know how to link them
  2. M

    Hello! Sorry if this isn’t allowed ; I’m looking for an app recommendation

    @sourpeach I wouldn’t mind the link at all but I did seem to find a couple of apps that I don’t hate haha thank you
  3. M

    Hello! Sorry if this isn’t allowed ; I’m looking for an app recommendation

    @erikplatte Thank you! It does! I have a video I watch now for some yoga I was just hoping to dig further with a bit more bumpers attached if that makes sense haha But worse comes to worst my current plan is to fall down a YouTube rabbit hole and download some random apps lol
  4. M

    Hello! Sorry if this isn’t allowed ; I’m looking for an app recommendation

    Like the title says I really want to get into fitness! Specifically yoga/stretching in some ways. I’m not a “fat” person but I’m SUPER not a fit person haha - I have done bare minimum PE levels of exercise because I think I’m bad at it. So what I’m hoping to find is something (free hopefully)...