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  1. R

    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @howardrf Im actually pretty fit after 1 year of very poorly made HIIT circuits by me, and 2 years of BWF. My goal is to get more athletic. Secondary is to be aesthetic, not specifically targeting hypertrophy except for some bodyparts. So i feel you when you say you feel faster, stronger. I...
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    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @howardrf Thanks! Very informative, will definitely go check out the sub Can i ask why you chose HIIT, and what new benefits you noticed after practicing a lot?
  3. R

    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @caitlynt Okay. I heard somewhere that HIIT based on compound strength moves like Pushups or Pullups/Burpees can build good muscles while conditionning
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    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @axoflegend What kind of body does it build? Sharpened i would guess? Still gets you looking muscular right?
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    A Beginner's Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @howardrf Hi there! Great post! My first workouts ever were actually HIIT just because of the way i did them without knowledge, before i switched to moderate-intensity BWF workouts. I had a few questions; 1) How does HIIT balances endurance/strength, and cardio/muscle gain? On which side does...
  6. R

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @davecb A question about walking though. It's often said that jogging/steady cardio isn't good on a daily basis, because it makes your body acustomed to the effort and doesnt produce much more effect. If i walk two hours a day, will my body be used to it and stop burning much fat? Should i do it...