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  1. C

    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @dikaioumenoi Hold on… you’re trying to stay under 1700? You do know you’re not eating food. Protein shakes and bars shouldn’t make up majority of your daily diet. Avocado Boiled eggs Tuna Packet -17g of protein Turkey Slices Rice cakes w/ peanut butter These are things you can easily...
  2. C

    What to do next?

    @gordon_b I 2nd this. Have to tried dropping to 1400 for a week or 2?, upping 200 calories for a week or two? Maybe take a couple days off from lifting and intense cardio and just do your 10k steps? Sometimes something as simple as rest can move the number on the scale. Are you adjusting your...
  3. C

    4'9" and i hate it

    @randomone she can literally eat a good amount of food and still lose weight. When you’re eating healthy, the volume is a lot with lower calories. She does not need to exercise more than her cousin, and she can actually eat food at a restaurant. The OP ay 168 pounds is definitely not having a...
  4. C

    Recommend me Shows that’ll make me forget I’m even doing cardio

    @ihavenoname I use to only really watch that show while eating dinner 😅😅